7 Tips for Avoiding Dry Eyes After Lasik Laser Eye Surgery


A Lasik laser vision correction can serve as an alternative to or lessen the requirement for glasses or contact lenses. In contrast to mechanical devices, laser technology can precisely design the proportions of your corneal flap based on what is beneficial for your eye.

You want to enjoy your improved eyesight after LASIK eye surgery treatment. Unfortunately, you may encounter a few short-term side effects due to the operation. 

You are not alone if your eyes feel dry. In fact, 95% of LASIK patients have dry eyes following the procedure. 

Don’t squint your way through life with your dry eyes. Instead, practice optimal eye health with medical advice and tactics. After the operation, you would likely have blurred vision.

Are you ready to see with a 20/20 vision? Continue reading to discover more about LASIK dry eyes and how to avoid them. 

Will You Experience Dry Eyes After Lasik eye surgery procedure?

Let’s start with your symptoms before we get into what to do about dry eyes after LASIK surgery. There is no way to determine whether you will experience dry eyes after surgery. However, your odds rise if you have:

  • Had dry eyes before to your LASIK surgery
  • are female
  • wear contacts
  • have diabetes
  • were highly nearsighted before your LASIK surgery
  • are of Asian ancestry

How long does it take for dry eyes to go away after LASIK laser vision correction? Unfortunately, that is dependent on the individual. Click here to read more about Dropless Cataract Surgery and Zepto Technology for Cataract Surgery.

Why do your eyes get dry?

Researchers aren’t sure why people experience dry eyes following LASIK laser eye treatment. They do, however, have a few theories. To begin with, the LASIK procedure slightly damages the cornea nerves. The surgeon will reshape your cornea throughout the operation. This happens when doctors remove a portion of the corneal tissue with an excimer laser. The surgeon must sever some nerves within the cornea during the procedure. While this does not affect your eyesight, it can affect how your tear glands and cornea communicate. As a result, your eyes will become dry. Dry eyes may also be caused by inflammation following surgery. 

Meanwhile, the changing shape of your cornea may affect how your eyelid interacts with the surface of your eye. Most individuals experience dry eye problems within the first few months after their surgery. The majority of patients report that their dry eye improves between six and twelve months after their LASIK operation. Contact your doctor immediately if you have significant discomfort or your vision deteriorates.

7 Tips for Avoiding LASIK Dry Eyes

Every year, around 700,000 LASIK procedures are performed. If you’re one of the 95% of people who experience dry eyes following LASIK surgery, here are a few things to consider. With these steps, you can add moisture to your eyes and achieve 20/20 vision.

1. Eye Drops from a Drugstore

Drugstore eye drops are one of the most common remedies for LASIK dry eyes. When you go to your local drugstore, you’ll find various options, from artificial tears to specialty medicated options. Look for eye drops labelled “super lubricating.” You may also require a “high performance” choice to ensure that your dry eyes receive the most possible relief. Make an appointment with your ophthalmologist after your LASIK procedure.

They might have some suggestions. Then, use your eye drops regularly for the first few days after the treatment. You can gradually reduce the frequency with which you utilize the drops. However, before purchasing drops from a drugstore, make sure to check for preservatives. Preservatives increase the shelf life of a product. Those same preservations, however, can induce eye discomfort. During your search, prioritize a preservative-free lubricating eye drop or artificial tears.

2. Prescription Eye Drops

If your LASIK dry eye problems persist, you may require something more potent than over-the-counter medications. Your ophthalmologist may recommend a medicated eye drop. Corticosteroids are present in several of these products. While it may provide temporary comfort, this method is not recommended for long-term treatment. Speak with your doctor if artificial tears aren’t enough to treat your dry eyes following LASIK surgery. They may even recommend minor surgery.

3. Punctal Collagen Plugs

Punctal occlusion involves obstructing drainage, which keeps tears on the eye surface for a prolonged period of time. Collagen punctal plugs are a temporary solution. For around four days, these plugs will obstruct the tear drainage ducts. After 10 days, they will completely dissolve. Collagen punctal plugs are appropriate for use immediately following surgery. Your symptoms will most likely be at their worst during this period.

4. Punctal Silicon Plugs

Silicon punctal plugs, unlike collagen punctal plugs, do not dissolve immediately. Instead, they will remain in place eternally. Silicon punctal plugs are an excellent semi-permanent treatment for LASIK dry eyes.

5. Contact Lenses for Sclera

Do you have burning eyes after LASIK surgery? Scleral contact lenses can provide the needed relief. These are larger connections than conventional contacts. By covering more part of your eye, scleral contact lenses can keep a film of tears between the lens and your cornea. These lenses are made of a porous substance. In addition to offering comfort, scleral contact lenses will keep the tears produced by your body in constant touch with your eye. As a result, the dryness, burning, and irritability you’re feeling should subside.

6. Maintain Adequate Hydration

Drink lots of fluids after your LASIK procedure. Keep your body and eyes moisturized to keep your eyes from drying out. In addition to drinking plenty of water daily, try one of the dry eye prevention strategies listed above. 

7. Modify Your Diet

Slight dietary modifications can also assist. Increase your intake of omega-3 fatty acids through walking. If you don’t like seafood, such as salmon, you can take omega-3 supplements instead.

Bottom line 

There are numerous laser eye surgery procedures available that can assist a wide range of people. These techniques have one thing in common: they all involve a laser beam at some point during the operation. These techniques have one thing in common: they all involve a laser beam at some point during the operation.

However, it is advisable that you research about the laser eye surgery cost before making conclusions.

Also note that you must not wear contact lenses for two weeks prior to your appointment or surgery. Your pupils may be dilated.


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