The Best 5 Ways to Prepare For A Successful Laser Eye Surgery

Laser eye surgery is a perfect way to get the most precise vision you have ever imagined. And, if you work with a seasoned LASIK surgeon, you will feel comfortable with every bit of the procedure. 

From the records, most people who have gone for laser eye surgery come back with good testimonies, which means they had a good time right from the time they stepped into the surgery center till they left. 

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Meanwhile, having a successful laser eye surgery is not a one-sided effort; it requires cooperation between the patient and the surgeon for the procedure to be quick, painless, and produce lasting results afterward. With that, the place of preparation both for the patient and surgeon cannot be over-emphasized. 

Now, if you are working with an expert surgeon, I will believe that he already knows what to do to conduct the best surgical procedure that will give you a perfect sight afterward. But, as a patient, I deem it essential to teach you how to prepare for laser eye surgery to have a successful surgery session. 

So what are the essential things to do while preparing for laser eye surgery? Here are the best five.

1. Drink water

Before you go to the laser eye surgery center, make sure that you drink as much water as possible. Unless the surgeon advises you otherwise, you must drink water before the procedure begins.

Water provides many benefits that help the body be active and responsive before, during, and after surgery. If you take water in much quantity before laser eye surgery, you are doing yourself a great favor. For instance, drinking water before the surgery will help keep your body hydrated, and taking it after the surgery will aid the healing process to be faster.  learn more benefits of drinking water at

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Besides, one of the most common adverse effects of laser eye surgery is that you can begin to experience dry eyes temporarily. So, drinking more water is an excellent way to keep your eyes lubricated after the surgery. 

Meanwhile, you don’t have to abide by this rule only the day you want to go for the surgery; you need to have made it a habit long before the surgery date arrives. You should be careful not to drink excess water because you are preparing for laser eye surgery. About eight glasses of water are good enough for every 24 hours. 

2. Stop wearing contact lenses 

Before you advance to the laser eye surgery venue, you must first visit an optician at any reliable diagnostic eye center to seek professional advice. Based on experience, it is most likely that the doctor will advise you to stop using contact lens for more than a week if you are using a soft contact lens. You might need to stop for at least a month for the best results for hard contact lenses. 

This advice is essential because wearing a contact lens can affect the shape of the cornea and even alter the result of the LASIK procedure. In light of that, you need to give your eyes a break to rest before the surgery date. 

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Meanwhile, you will have to ask your doctor about the right time to stop wearing contact lens. The doctor will prescribe that to you based on the result he gets from evaluating your eyes.  You can read about The 10 Best Foods That Aids Quick Recovery After A Laser Eye Surgery by clicking here.

3. Get a drive for the surgery trip 

During laser eye surgery, you will not be put to sleep. Instead, the surgeon will apply eye drops to numb your eyes. If you feel nervous before the procedure starts, the surgeon might give you some medications to relax your body. 

The essence of the numbing eye drop is to make sure that you don’t feel any pain when the LASIK procedure is ongoing. It might also gladden you to know that the numbing eye drop will wear off automatically a few hours after the LASIK surgery is over. 

Considering what your eyes will go through during the surgery, you should avoid driving yourself when returning from the surgery center. For that reason, you need to get someone that will drive you to the hospital for the laser eye surgery and drive you home afterward. 

4. Get comfortable clothes 

What you wear to the laser eye surgery venue matters. It will determine whether you are going to be comfortable throughout the procedure or not. That is why it is so important to put on clothes that can make you feel comfortable when going for laser eye surgery. 

More so, you will need to wear clothing items that you can quickly put off when you return from the surgery. Hence, you need to plan a comfortable outfit for the procedure, including athletic shorts, leggings, a zipper hoodie, a soft t-shirt, and anything lighter. 

You should also try to avoid applying makeovers to your face when going for LASIK surgery. Beauty items like perfumes, lotions, and makeup will only complicate things during the LASIK procedure. 

Summarily put, You need to look natural and straightforward when going for laser eye surgery, keeping your face dry and ready for surgery. 

The truth is, sleeping is the first thing that will come to your mind when you return from laser eye surgery. So, you will need to wear something you quickly put off at once and bounce on your bed.

5. Read the paperwork carefully 

Your surgeon would have provided you with LASIK consent before the procedure time. That paper is not something you will collect and store in a safe place. Instead, you have to read every single letter in the paperwork to ensure that you get the required understanding of what you want to do. You are ready for laser eye surgery after you have carefully read through the paperwork. 

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Final Words 

As the saying goes., ‘Proper preparation prevents poor performance.’ If you want to have a successful laser eye surgery that will yield your desired result, you will have to comply with the above-stated rules and carefully listen to your surgeon’s instructions. 

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